“International Symposium on Global Trends in health, technology and management (GTHTM-2025), 15th to 17th February,2025, kashipur”

Membership for the forum

Membership to the forum is open to private companies, non-governmental organizations, governmental organizations, educational institutions, healthcare centres and private corporations. For membership as a company, academic institution, or private and public organisation, please contact us directly on email: ……………………………
Membership to the forum is also open to individuals with two plans:

  • (a) Individual plan
  • (b) Professional plan

The individual plan provides access to events and conferences.
Professional plans provide an opportunity to upload your CV and offer your skill set for upcoming opportunities from partners, and private and public sector members of the forum.

Benefits of membership as a private company or cooperation
  • Bring change to the world by contributing to the solutions of various challenges.
  • Build up a network internationally and explore opportunities to collaborate and work together with multi-national corporations, UN agencies and other partners.
  • Advertise your skills, products and services at global, national and state levels to get an ad-vantage in business.
  • Build up a network within academia, policymakers and government agencies.
  • Get a voice to present your issues and concerns when it comes to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
  • Participate in CSR and sustainability practices, and events through the forum to enrich your sustainability report and compliance.

Benefits of membership as an academic institution (government/ private)
  • Bring change to the world by contributing to the solutions of various challenges.
  • Build up networks with International Organizations, multi-national companies, and private sectors to explore opportunities to work together (e.g. research projects, grants etc.)
  • Get opportunities from private industries for internships and job placements.
  • Build up the skill set of the academic staff by providing access to the content at the forum.
  • Explore possibilities of collaboration in the field of health sciences with other educational institutions around the world.

Benefits of membership as an Individual
  • Demonstrate your skills and explore consultancy opportunities.
  • Build up a professional network in public and private corporations to explore job opportunities.
  • Access to learning material on current topics related to different categories.
  • Access to conferences and webinars from time to time
